
Archive for August, 2009

Just Wondering/Flying Saucer

Why do so many folks in small towns spend so much time minding other folks  business? Does this happen in cities too?

Here is just one small example. My son owns an old abandoned house that is presently unlivable. Granted, it isn’t pretty, but it is his to do with as he wishes. It was suggested by a city council member (who is known for intruding in others affairs) that he tear it down since it is near the main highway through town where it can be seen by anyone passing through. My son is a very independent individual, so naturally resents  what he considers busybodies trying to tell him what he should do.

So, what is he going to do with his house? He started repairs over the weekend, beginning with the roof.  And cleaning out an accumulation of junk. And collecting used lumber for other repairs. As soon as it is livable he will move back in and continue to remodel as he has time. Will the busybodies be impressed? No way. They will find something or someone else to hassle.

Did I mention my son is very individualistic? He originally planned to tear down the old house, and build a flying saucer shaped home. Oh my. I can just imagine the whispers, gossip, and head-shaking THAT would cause. He was inspird by the saucer home located north of Springfield Illinois

Flying Saucer Home

Flying Saucer Home

This photo was taken from the highway so it isn’t as close as we would like, but you can still get an idea of how it looks. I think it would be an interesting addition to our little town, but I am also sure there would be plenty of opposition if the busybodies discovered what was being erected.

So this is my rant for today.

okiewife–1, busybodies–0

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Lunch Date

My daughter took me out to lunch today, our favorite place, Polynesian Garden. They have a really diverse and delicious buffet, Pat always orders the Wonderful Shrimp. She is as predictable as I am. I always get sweet’n’sour chicken and crab rangoon. Yummmmm.

Polynesian Garden is an attractive place, very oriental in decor, both inside and out, and the owner/host is very friendly. He had some health problems a couple of years ago, and thought he might have to sell out. We are happy his health improved and he is back on the job.

Gazebo 2


The gazebo is at the side of the business, and makes an attractive addition to the grounds.

When you go to Altus, OK I can recommend this place for a great lunch or dinner.

Okiewife, who is still stuffed with crab rangoon

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What About Florida?

I had an IM visit with my sister-in-law in Florida last night, and her son (my nephew) who is a deputy sheriff in another state, has told her to GET OUT OF FLORIDA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!  What does he know that he can’t talk about, and has him concerned for his family still there?

Well, this I do know. Every survivalist group is warning folks to get out of cities. I belong to 3 of them and they all say the same. I am thankful to live in a rural area. My s-i-l is putting her house on the market, retiring from her state job, and getting out of Florida in January. She said if the house doesn’t sell she is leaving anyway. It can be rented out if nothing else.

I truly believe if we have  economic collapse in this country, a big city will be a very dangerous place to be. And the Disney World area is very big.

Okiewife is still paranoid

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>We have been very quiet, and not doing much the last few weeks. Just to get the family up-to-date:

We had visitors from Florida that we had not seen for 27 years. They dropped in for a weekend while on the way from Dallas (where their son lives) to Colorado (where their youngest daughter lives) and we had a great time catching up on kids, jobs, fun things, etc.

This is how they travel, and live for 6 to 9 months of the year. They help the eldest daughter on the farm awhile, visit the other two, and Clyde does calling for square dances in between, all around the country. They were in Rayne, LA just before coming to OK for a week of square dancing. What Fun!

The following weekend Harold’s brother Bob, and Georgianna stopped in for a one day visit on the way home to Mexico, MO from south Tx where they were scouting around for a winter get-away spot.

Other than those two high spots it has been quiet on the homestead. And hot! Our temps have been in the upper 90’s (and a couple of days over 100) for the last two weeks. But cool at night.

Other news: my niece Stefanie is the first family member to be infected with swine flu. She missed a week of work, but is recovering now. Best wishes for you, Stef. We all love you.

Blessings and peace from

Grandma in the yellow house

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For years the “food police” have been telling us coffee is bad for us, caffeine will make us wrinkle and look older than we are, and we WILL DIE YOUNG!

We have finally heard the other side of the debate.  William Douglass M.D. reports that studies that tell the other side of the story are largely ignored by mainstream medicine and nutrition “experts.” He quotes studies that show coffee is actually good for you. Gotta love this man! The studies he quotes state that:

1. People who drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day are 45% less likely to suffer from gallstones.

2. 4 cups a day will dramatically drop your risk of colon cancer.

3. Just want 1 cup? It has the anti-oxidant power of 3 oranges.

Dr. Douglass recommends you omit the sugar. It will cancel out some of the benefits of the coffee.

I can do this, love my coffee and already have  reduced the amount of sweetening.

okiewife (with cup of coffee next to keyboard)

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computer rant

Why does a computer have to go wacko every once in a while? I was sitting at the keyboard playing an innocent card game (spider solitaire) and when I closed it out everything on the screen was GIANT sized. This is not good. I tried to go back to the game and close it again, nada, nothing changed.

After valiantly restraining myself from banging my head on the keyboard, poking through programs at the control panel, and not saying a single bad word, I went to system restore and reset everything to yesterday’s settings. Success! It’s all back to normal (whatever that is) and I have no clue why it went crazy in the first place. Praise the Lord and the pc powers that be for system restore! I was afraid my computer had been invaded by pc gremlins.

Still scratching her head,
Grandma in the yellow house

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Huckleberry update: he is getting picky about what he will chew on. Son got him a chew toy with rope in it, and Huckleberry turned his nose up at it. Maybe he wants a chicken leg or something.

The cats made another pass at the brave horse early this morning. Two of them went streaking through the back yard and passed 5 feet in front of him, not even slowing down. Apparently they are taking no chances that he might step on one of them.

okiewife awaiting further developments

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more useless information

When I checked my facebook account this morning I discovered my great-niece in Florida went to the Poison/Def Lepard concert last night, and I am SO JEALOUS! Everyone knows I love that 80’s music. Well, most everyone. In the family. That live close or are closely related. Hmmmm…maybe not even all of the closely related ones.
Actually, I would not go to the concert, those people are too wild for me. But I would buy a t-shirt and CD. I had a Bon Jovi t-shirt that I wore for several years, and finally gave to my granddaughter in LA when it got thin enough to see through. She is still wearing it. Didn’t go to their concerts either. Bought the shirt at J.C. Penney.
Ok, enough useless information for now.
Grandma in the yellow house

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trending topic on twitter: Tweets are pointless….

Well, yeah. That’s why most of us millions of tweeters do it. Some are selling something, some are political, but we do not have to follow the ones that irritate or depress us. Tweeting is just fun for the most of us. A way to make entertaining comments, or let friends and family who also tweet know what we are doing at any particular time. It gave me an opportunity to let everyone know that my grand daughter is married to a redneck, and his whole family are also rednecks. Who else would taser himself accidently, or blow up his own mailbox with a home made bomb put together with firecrackers and sparklers but an okie redneck?

Don’t get me wrong. I love that we have this kind of entertainment in the family. We do pretend to be normal when outsiders are around though.

My pointless tweets can be followed by signing up for twitter and then looking for okiewife. Click on the follow button and there I am.

Pointlessly meditating,
Grandma in the yellow house

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>Jasper Update


Jasper has a new home. He was taken to the home of a co-worker who has a pet raccoon, and he will now have a true friend. Harley and Haley started back to school today, so he would have been home alone all day, and would not have liked that. I asked Harley if she cried when she left him, and she said “No. (sniff,sniff.)”

D’Anna came to visit for a couple of hours yesterday. She will be 3 in October, and is talking so much better than the last time she was here. I even understand about half her words now. We had to pick up all the plastic bowls and lids and put them away when she left, all the grandkids have played in the plastics cabinet. She had fun with all the stuffed animals that have been abandoned here over the years, also.
Grandma Patti got buried under all the fuzzies. And D’Anna had fun doing it.
Still recovering from a busy afternoon,
Grandma in the yellow house

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